Ward 11 Summer Updates
I hope you’re as excited for the summer as I am. I love to check out the music festivals, visit local beaches, watch the London Majors and enjoy our local patios. Below you’ll find out some programming to help address the continued closure of the Thames Pool. We will also be receiving an updated conditions assessment of the pool in early July, and staff will provide us their community engagement plan which will start this fall.
Free recreation swim passes
Free recreation swim passes provide impacted users with unlimited access to recreation swims at any City of London outdoor and indoor pool. In addition, these passes provide users with access to the Centre Branch YMCA’s indoor pool for recreation swim sessions on Mon & Wed (4-8pm).; Tues & Thurs (7- 8pm); and Sat (9:30am-12:30pm)
Londoners who received a free recreation swim pass due to the closure of Thames Pool in 2022 will be contacted by the City to make them aware of this opportunity. Impacted Londoners who do not receive a call from City staff may call 519-661-5575 to request a pass. Free recreation swim passes can be used from Sat, July 1 to Sun, Sept 3.
Free neighbourhood playground program coming to Thames Park
The City is excited to announce its free neighbourhood playground program will be coming to Thames Park this summer! Through this program, children ages 6 to 12 enjoy free, fun and exciting playground based play opportunities at their local park. The program will run from Tues, July 4 to Thurs, Aug 17. Core program hours are Mon to Thurs, running in half-day sessions, with morning sessions taking place at Thames Park from 8:45-11:30 a.m. and afternoon sessions taking place at Tecumseh Public School from 12:30-3:15 p.m. For all the details related to this free program, including registration information and weekly schedules, please visit london.ca/DayCamps.
Free Play in the Park program coming to Thames Park
The City is excited to announce Play in the Park - a free, new pop-up sports program – is coming to Thames Park every Friday this summer from 1 to 3:30 p.m.! The program will run from Fri, July 7 to Fri, Aug 25. Play in the Park provides free, fun outdoor recreational opportunities for Londoners of all ages to try a variety of sports at Thames Park. The program is a City sports initiative designed to engage children, youth, families and adults in sports across London. We encourage you to follow the City’s Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages for updates related to the program.
Summer Movies
Wortley is lucky to have be the home of the Hyland Cinema - who have an amazing lineup of summer films to enjoy! Check out www.hylandcinema.com/coming-soon
The City also organizes a series of Outdoor Movie Nights with local community groups. Wortley will be hosting Strange World, on Fri July 28th at dusk, at The Green. Find out more here.
Wortley Pride
The second annual Wortley Pride was awesome - congratulations to all the organizers and participants for a wonderful day. The yare also organizing the first inclusive rainbow crosswalk intersection at Elmwood and Wortley - which will be completed sometime this summer. Stay tuned! Also come join myself and Council at the Pride Parade on Sunday July 28th, find out more here: https://www.pridelondon.ca/
See you around the Village!